Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Okay, I find this incredibly interesting and because I have no where else to post it, I am going to here. Adding up some of tonight's results, McCain seems to be winning because he has the most points of any one individual. But, if you add up the results of all of the other candidates, some of which are not even running any longer, the "others" beat him. I think that the RNC needs to take note that there is still some unrest about Senator McCain. There are plenty of people willing to stand on their principles and vote for other candidates that have suspended their campaigns and those numbers, plus those of Huckabee and Paul, add up to "significance." I don't think we need to "calm down," I think McCain needs to step up in a serious way if he wants to be anywhere near the White House next year.

McCain needs to get rid of his advisor: http://michellemalkin.com/2008/01/27/in-his-own-words-mccains-hispanic-outreach-

McCain needs to take a stand to the right on this loan:

And McCain needs to stop appearing with Joe Lieberman:

I am so tired of all of this already and it is only February! We need a different primary process.
We have not even gotten to vote yet for Pete's sake!

I believe in smaller government, lower taxes, winning in Iraq, having PERSONAL responsibility for decisions I make GOOD and BAD, freedom of religion, marriage is between and man and a woman, life begins with conception and that illegal immigrants should have to wait in the same line to come to this wonderful country that every immigrant has to wait in...oh, and I also believe in the right to bear arms! I don't believe in entitlement programs, higher taxes, amnesty, gay marriage, abortion and aborting our mission and commitment in Iraq.

I have wrestled for the better part of my adult life with some of those issues and have wondered what God would have me do, believe. I am a Christian --I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I believe that God calls us to be responsible for our actions, for our tongues, for our management of money. I believe He calls us to follow laws, His laws and teachings above all else. Please, don't get me wrong. I love the American Dream and all that America has to offer. I love the diversity of our culture. But WHY does that make it all right for 12-15 million people to be able to do it the wrong way when all of the others have to do it the right way. What is the point? I believe in One Nation under God-indivisible. I believe that our Founding Fathers sought God's will when they drafted the U. S. Constitution and that, if not for our Christian heritage, we could be living a very different American "dream." What if our country was founded in Hindu beliefs? Islamic beliefs?

Okay, I am no longer shaking. I think I have that out of my system. If you made it this far, thanks for reading! Any opinions would be welcome debate. Night...


Incognito said...


Anonymous said...

Laura....you and my mom need to get in a debate over this! She calls me like EVERY DAY to tell me about Obama and how wonderful he is. She is really into the campaign and everything that is going on. I finally told her to stop talking about Clinton v. Obama b/c I wasn't voting for either one! I don't think she liked that very much!

Laura said...

Leah, okay, that is frightening. She and my mom would have loved this election. My mom would have been the same way. Which is so incredibly strange. I don't know why or how we turned out so different. I just don't get it. It is not worth trying to talk about it though. I know we all have our own opinions and why we like the candidate of our choice. What bugs me about the whole thing at the moment is that I feel like it has been decided for us on the R ticket and that ticks me off. I don't think that we, the people, got to put our vote in. Curtis is actually talking about voting for Obama just to stop Hillary. I am afraid Obama may be harder to beat in an election vs our lovely choice, McCain. I guess we will have to wait and see. And, we need to pray about it. I do see it as an important election for the future of this country. It is interesting historically though. We have faced many issues and our citizens have been just as passionate about the outcome as we are today and we are still here. So, maybe I need a chill pill and need to turn it ALL over to God. His plan is right and He will ultimately prevail. Why don't I remember that all the time? Why do I work myself into a tizzy????