Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Obama is Palin comparison...

I am so disgusted with the media in this country. I cannot believe the response to Govenor Palin's candidacy for VP. I am so excited! She has so much more experience than Senator Obama. I cannot believe they are trying to make it out so different. I believe the definitions of the experiences Obama and Palin have speak for themselves:

Community organizing is a process by which people are brought together to act in common self-interest. While organizing describes any activity involving people interacting with one another in a formal manner, much community organizing is in the pursuit of a common agenda. Many groups seek populist goals and the ideal of participatory democracy. Community organizers create social movements by building a base of concerned people, mobilizing these community members to act, and developing leadership from and relationships among the people involved. (Per Wilkepedia)

A governor is a governing official, usually the executive (at least nominally, to different degrees also politically and administratively) of a non-sovereign level of government, ranking under the Head of state. In federations, a governor may be the title of each appointed or elected politician who governs a constitutive state. (Per Wilkepedia)


12-arrows said...

we just need to keep praying that God will continue to give Governor Palin strength, dignity and grace in the coming weeks. I agree with you that she is a remarkable woman and I was, at first, a little nervous about a woman being chosen, but the more I heard about her, her life, her character, her love of family, God and country how can you not want to walk along side her? We need to start a blogging prayer chain for this election.

Anonymous said...

I agree. The media has proven how very sexist our country is. I am sick over how they continually rip apart Palin.

PS Thanks for the great info on my blog.

junglemama said...

You don't have to sway me! :)