Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Alexandra, David and I arrived in Columbia Sunday evening.  We hit the ground running and have moved right in to Steff's home and life.  I am so hopeful that we are a blessing and not a burden to the kids and to Adam and Steff.  

So far, so good.  I have not lost any children, I have taken them to the right school and I have managed to find a few attractions along the way.  Steff has been able to rest at home the last two nights.  She is going to check into home health today.  The twins are still struggling with food and gaining weight.  She wants so desperately to have a regular routine and get her and her family on the way to the NEW normal.  The kids are fairing all right.  They are such great children.  They have taken so many things in stride.  Yesterday they played for a good two hours outside with Nerf guns, sheilds and swords.  I bet they all ran at least two miles going around and around the house.  It was wonderful to see them getting their "play" time in and having a sense of adventure. 

 McKayley and Lukas also celebrated their birthday yesterday.  We were able to have a great pizza party last night with pizza, cake and gifts.  Grandparents were even able to come!!!  Yeah!  I have to admit, I think I was probably here for about 18 hours before I even realized I had not even truly asked about the twins.  I cannot imagine what Steff and Adam are going through.  I would feel so torn and conflicted.  Please, please continue to pray fervently for them.  I feel so blessed to be able to be here, that Steff and Adam would trust me with their home and kids is an honor.  They are truly actively living their faith.  I don't know that I have ever been privy to something like this; life changing magnitude of God's work and His people seeking and following His will.  Please also pray for their newest friend that they were able to bring back with them.  She is an angel.  She is struggling with morning sickness, being away from her husband, strange and new food and 6-8 kids on any given day.  She seems so strong and courageous.   

And, by the way, I think I have discovered that when I think people are stressed, I BELIEVE they need chocolate.  Let's see, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cake and chocolate chip muffins all in the last 36 hours.  Scary, isn't it?!


Laura Lu said...

Glad you made it there safely. Steff said you had the town already all mapped out! She is so grateful! I am so glad that you were able to come help them during this time. Hope all continues to go well and that you stay strong too. We are praying, praying, praying for the whole family.

Sean and Lisa said...

What a blessing you are!! Thank you so much for your willingness to serve Steff and Adam and their whole family during this difficult time. I'm sure Steff is struggling with many emotions right now as would be so understandable. Praying for each of them and you as well!!
May God richly bless you.

Incognito said...

CHOCOLATE IS THE ANSWER...if nothing else, it does make you feel better...that and shopping are what gets me through sometimes.

Thank you for going and helping them out. I certainly hope I can do it as well as you next week!! We'll pass the baton and hi-five this weekend!

Do you think I should bring a case of HEB pesto with me so I can make it through the week?!?!

Christin said...

Ohh...can you come to MY house when I'm stressed?!! ;) Chocolate is a pretty good pick-me-up. IF you lean on the estrogen-heavy side (ie. female) that is.

I say it again...you are a true friend. May the Lord touch YOU in the places where your heart needs a Heavenly intervention as you put aside your needs to help a friend.

junglemama said...

You are amazing. So glad you could be ther with Steff's kids. I think you are right about chocolate.

Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you thank you. Praise God that you are such a servant and willing to be there. I know you are sacrificing a lot by being away from your husband and your home. You are such a loyal and faithful cousin and friend to us all.
